Bridge Beyond Addiction

Murphy at 1 year!
Murphy at 1 year!

Crew-zen with Carol

Welcome to our team page, Crew-zen with Carol. You all know my story. That is why I walk for BRIDGE BEYOND ADDICTION. It was a "stranger" who helped my son when he needed it the most. Something, as his mom, I couldn't do, no matter how hard I tried.

Today BRIDGE BEYOND ADDICTION can be that stranger ready to give a hands up scholarship for the first month of recovery housing following rehab. This is a crucial time when it is needed the most. Over 240 scholarships have been provided by BRIDGE BEYOND ADDICTION.

Please consider making a donation on behalf of team Crew-zen with Carol to help make a difference in the life of someone's child. Or better yet, join us on the walk and ask your family and friends to support you. Every dollar helps! Together we can help change lives and provide hope for a better future all while enjoying a walk with friends and family! All good dogs are also welcome! Please join Crew-zen with Carol! Together we will make a difference!



Thank you for supporting our team in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community and BRIDGE BEYOND ADDICTION!

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