Mission Empower

Mission Statement

Serving as a Community Resource Center, Mission Empower provides advocacy, education, and the promotion of inclusion, assisting families and their children with disabilities to enable their children to use their gifts and talents to reach their potential and become productive members of our community. VISION STATEMENT Mission Empower is seen as a catalyst in supporting families and organizations to successfully access the resources that will empower families and their children so that all children and youth with disabilities utilize their talents to reach their potential and become productive members of the community.

About Mission Empower

Mission Empower is a "Community Parent Resource Center" serving children, youth, young adults with disabilities and their families, and the community that supports these families. Mission Empower provides educational advocacy so families may be their child's best advocate and work toward inclusion and better school outcomes. Secondly, youth are empowered through "Youth ENVISION" to successfully graduate from high school and prepare for productive adulthood by becoming their own informed advocate for their needs. The "Mission Read" program provides vital tutoring for children who have dyslexia or other disabilities to gain literacy skills that form the foundation of lifelong learning. Finally through the "Mission Employment" program youth and adults with barriers to work are prepared through career readiness workshops and paid internships to explore their career interests and begin their journey of work

Contact Information

Norma Lewis
Phone: 814-825-0788


Highmark Erie Walk Details

June 1st, 2024
PSU Behrend: Erie Parking Lot
4701 College Dr.
Erie, PA 16563