2019 Beauty after Bruises

Mission Statement

We are dedicated to providing survivors of childhood trauma with both access and funding to receive therapy and/or inpatient care - while creating professional and public awareness for Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders.

About Beauty After Bruises

Until recently, Complex PTSD and Dissociative Trauma Disorders were thought to be rare mental health conditions. This misconception created a shortage of specialized therapists and an ever-growing population of forgotten patients. Beauty After Bruises seeks to bridge that gap by providing comprehensive education to clinicians and to the public, while connecting survivors with the resources they need.

We are 100% volunteer; no one receives a paycheck. All funds raised go directly to one of our 3 projects: funding for Ongoing Therapy, funding for inpatient or programmatic care, and the provision of items for our Therapy Box Project. We will always put our donor's gifts to the very best use!

Contact Information

Kim McKonly
Phone: 717-461-9916


Highmark Harrisburg Walk Details

May 18th, 2024
H.A.C.C.: E4 Parking Lot
One HACC Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110